Icnme Project


Welcome to Icnme Project

Hello , Welcome to Icnme Project! I’m Luhuan Huang, I come from China and do my PhD at the Freudenthal Institute at Utrecht University.

Icnme refers to Inquiry-based learning in China and the Netherlands’ Mathematics Education, which is the topic of my research. And I focus on lower- secondary students aged twelve to fifteen.

As a starting point, Study One aims to investigate the current situation of beliefs and practices related to inquiry-based learning. The next step will be the attempt to promote inquiry-based learning into daily practices through approach of lesson study. Comparisons between China and the Netherlands will be made.

For the name of Icnme, “I” not only refers to inquiry, but also emphasizing the autonomy of students. Furthermore, “I” has the same prononciation as the Chinese charater “爱”,which means love. We hope students will take more responsibilities and have more interests in the learning of mathematics.